NAME arrayfields.rb URIS SYNOPSIS require 'arrayfields' a = :k, :v, :a, :b p a[:k] #=> :v p a[:a] #=> :b p a.fields #=> [:k, :a] p a.values #=> [:v, :b] p a #=> [:v, :b] p a.to_hash #=> {:k => :v, :a => :b} p a.pairs #=> [[:k, :v], [:a, :b]] a[:foo] = :bar p a[:foo] #=> :bar p a.fields #=> [:k, :a, :foo] AND require 'arrayfields' fields = 'name', 'age' a = [ 'zaphod', 42 ] a.fields = fields a['name'] #=> 'zaphod' a[:name ] #=> 'zaphod' a.indices 'name', 'age' #=> [ 'zaphod', 42 ] DESCRIPTION allow keyword access to array instances. arrayfields works by adding only a few methods to arrays, namely #fields= and fields, but the #fields= method is hooked to extend an array on a per object basis. in otherwords __only__ those arrays whose fields are set will have auto-magical keyword access bestowed on them - all other arrays remain unaffected. arrays with keyword access require much less memory when compared to hashes/objects and yet still provide fast lookup and preserve data order. LIST OF OVERRIDDEN METHODS Array#[] Array#slice Array#[]= Array#at Array#delete_at Array#fill Array#values_at Array#indices Array#indexes Array#slice! LIST OF HASH-LIKE METHODS Array#each_with_field Array#each_pair Array#each_key Array#each_value Array#fetch Array#has_key? Array#member? Array#key? Array#has_value? Array#value? Array#keys Array#store Array#values Array#to_hash Array#to_h Array#update Array#rep