NAME main.rb SYNOPSIS a class factory and dsl for generating command line programs real quick URI INSTALL gem install main DESCRIPTION main.rb features the following: - unification of option, argument, keyword, and environment parameter parsing - auto generation of usage and help messages - support for mode/sub-commands - io redirection support - logging hooks using ruby's built-in logging mechanism - intelligent error handling and exit codes - use as dsl or library for building Main objects - parsing user defined ARGV and ENV - zero requirements for understanding the obtuse apis of *any* command line option parsers in short main.rb aims to drastically lower the barrier to writing uniform command line applications. for instance, this program require 'main' Main { argument 'foo' option 'bar' def run p params['foo'] p params['bar'] exit_success! end } sets up a program which requires one argument, 'bar', and which may accept one command line switch, '--foo' in addition to the single option/mode which is always accepted and handled appropriately: 'help', '--help', '-h'. for the most part main.rb stays out of your command line namespace but insists that your application has at least a help mode/option. main.rb supports sub-commands in a very simple way require 'main' Main { mode 'install' do def run() puts 'installing...' end end mode 'uninstall' do def run() puts 'uninstalling...' end end } which allows you a program called 'a.rb' to be invoked as ruby a.rb install and ruby a.rb uninstall for simple programs main.rb is a real time saver but it's for more complex applications where main.rb's unification of parameter parsing, class configuration dsl, and auto-generation of usage messages can really streamline command line application development. for example the following 'a.rb' program: require 'main' Main { argument('foo'){ cast :int } keyword('bar'){ arity 2 cast :float defaults 0.0, 1.0 } option('foobar'){ argument :optional description 'the foobar option is very handy' } environment('BARFOO'){ cast :list_of_bool synopsis 'export barfoo=value' } def run p params['foo'].value p params['bar'].values p params['foobar'].value p params['BARFOO'].value end } when run with a command line of BARFOO=true,false,false ruby a.rb 42 bar=40 bar=2 --foobar=a will produce 42 [40.0, 2.0] "a" [true, false, false] while a command line of ruby a.rb --help will produce NAME a.rb SYNOPSIS a.rb foo [bar=bar] [options]+ PARAMETERS * foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ] * bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ] * --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ] the foobar option is very handy * --help, -h * export barfoo=value and this shows how all of argument, keyword, option, and environment parsing can be declartively dealt with in a unified fashion - the dsl for all parameter types is the same - and how auto synopsis and usage generation saves keystrokes. the parameter synopsis is compact and can be read as * foo [ 1 -> int(foo) ] 'one argument will get processed via int(argument_name)' 1 : one argument -> : will get processed (the argument is required) int(foo) : the cast is int, the arg name is foo * bar=bar [ 2 ~> float(bar=0.0,1.0) ] 'two keyword arguments might be processed via float(bar=0.0,1.0)' 2 : two arguments ~> : might be processed (the argument is optional) float(bar=0.0,1.0) : the cast will be float, the default values are 0.0 and 1.0 * --foobar=[foobar] [ 1 ~> foobar ] 'one option with optional argument may be given directly' * --help, -h no synopsis, simple switch takes no args and is not required * export barfoo=value a user defined synopsis SAMPLES @samples DOCS test/main.rb vim -o lib/main.rb lib/main/* API section below HISTORY 2.0.0 - removed need for proxy.rb via Main::Base.wrap_run! - added error handling hooks for parameter parsing - bundled arrayfields, attributes, and pervasives although gems are tried first - softened error messages for parame