Title: Matrices

1 Class methods

GSL::Matrix.new(size1, size2)
These methods create a GSL::Matrix object.
  1. From arrays

    irb(main):001:0> require("gsl")
    => true
    irb(main):002:0> m = Matrix[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]
    => GSL::Matrix 
    [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
      4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
      7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
  2. With an array and rows&cols,

    m = Matrix.alloc([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3, 3)
  3. With Range objects,

    irb(main):002:0> m = Matrix.new(1..3, 4..6, 7..9)
    [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
      4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
      7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
    irb(main):004:0> m2 = Matrix[1..6, 2, 3]
    [ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
      4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 ]
GSL::Matrix.eye(n1, n2)


irb(main):008:0> m = Matrix::Int.eye(3)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 1 0 0 
  0 1 0 
  0 0 1 ]
irb(main):009:0> m = Matrix::Int.eye(2, 4)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 1 0 0 0 
  0 1 0 0 ]
Create diagonal matrix of dimensions n*n, of values 1.0.
GSL::Matrix.diagonal(a, b, c, ...)

Creates a diagonal matrix of given elements.


irb(main):011:0> Matrix::Int.diagonal(1..4)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 1 0 0 0 
  0 2 0 0 
  0 0 3 0 
  0 0 0 4 ]
irb(main):012:0> Matrix::Int.diagonal(2, 5, 3)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 2 0 0 
  0 5 0 
  0 0 3 ]
GSL::Matrix.indgen(n1, n2, start=0, step=1)


irb(main):016:0> m = Matrix::Int.indgen(3, 5)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[  0  1  2  3  4 
   5  6  7  8  9 
  10 11 12 13 14 ]
irb(main):017:0> m = Matrix::Int.indgen(3, 5, 2)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[  2  3  4  5  6 
   7  8  9 10 11 
  12 13 14 15 16 ]
irb(main):018:0> m = Matrix::Int.indgen(3, 5, 2, 3)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[  2  5  8 11 14 
  17 20 23 26 29 
  32 35 38 41 44 ]

1.1 NOTE:

Matrix dimensions are limited within the range of Fixnum. For 32-bit CPU, the maximum of matrix dimension is 2^30 ~ 1e9.

2 Instance Methods

Returns the number of rows of matrix self.
Returns the number of columns of matrix self.

Returns the number of rows and columns as an array.


irb(main):005:0> m.size1
=> 3
irb(main):006:0> m.size2
=> 5
irb(main):007:0> m.shape
=> [3, 5]
GSL::Matrix#[] =
This method sets elements of the matrix.
GSL::Matrix#get(i, j)

This method returns the (i,j)-th element of the matrix self.


irb(main):002:0> m = Matrix[1..9, 3, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):003:0> m[1, 2]
=> 6.0
irb(main):004:0> m[1, 2] = 123     # m.set(1, 2, 123)
irb(main):005:0> m
=> GSL::Matrix
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 1.230e+02 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):006:0> m[1]
=> GSL::Vector::View
[ 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 ]
irb(main):007:0> m.set([3, 5, 2], [4, 5, 3], [7, 1, 5])
=> GSL::Matrix
[ 3.000e+00 5.000e+00 2.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 1.000e+00 5.000e+00 ]
This method sets all the elements of the matrix self to the value x.
This method sets all the elements of the matrix to zero.
This method sets the elements of the matrix to the corresponding elements of the identity matrix, i.e. a unit diagonal with all off-diagonal elements zero. This applies to both square and rectangular matrices.

2.1 IO

GSL::Matrix#fprintf(io, format = "%e")
GSL::Matrix#fprintf(filename, format = "%e")

2.2 Matrix views

The GSL::Matrix::View class is defined to be used as "references" to matrices. The Matrix::View class is a subclass of Matrix, and an instance of the View class created by slicing a Matrix object can be used same as the original matrix. The View object shares the data with the original matrix, i.e. any changes in the elements of the View object affect to the original.

GSL::Matrix#submatrix(k1, k2, n1, n2)
GSL::Matrix#view(k1, k2, n1, n2)
This returns a GSL::Matirx::View object, a submatrix of the matrix self. The upper-left element of the submatrix is the element (k1,k2) of the original matrix. The submatrix has n1 rows and n2 columns.
GSL::Vectir#matrix_view(n1, n2)

This creates a Matrix::View object from the vector self.


irb(main):002:0> v = Vector[1..9]
=> GSL::Vector 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):003:0> m = v.matrix_view(3, 3)
=> GSL::Matrix::View 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):004:0> m[1][1] = 99.99
=> 99.99
irb(main):005:0> v
=> GSL::Vector 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 4.000e+00 9.999e+01 6.000e+00 7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]

2.3 Creating row and column views


These methods return i-th row of the matrix as a Vector::View object. Any modifications to the Vectror::View object returned by this method propagate to the original matrix.

By using this property, it is possible to access to matrix elements and also modify them, with the expressions as a = m[i][j] and m[i][j] = val. The results are just same as using the methods Matrix#get(i, j) and Matrix#set(i, j, val), but different in manner. The methods get and set use the GSL C functions gsl_matrix_get(), gsl_matrix_set(), i.e. access to the (i, j)-element directly. In the expression m[i][j], first a Vector::View object which points to the data of the i-th row of the matrix m is created, m[i], and then the j-th element of the Vector::View object m[i], expressed as m[i][j], is extracted/modified.

These methods return a vector view of the j-th column of the matrix.

This method returns a Vector::View of the diagonal of the matrix. The matrix is not required to be square. For a rectangular matrix the length of the diagonal is the same as the smaller dimension of the matrix.


irb(main):017:0> m = Matrix[1..9, 3, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):018:0> m.row(1)
=> GSL::Vector::View 
[ 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 ]
irb(main):019:0> m.col(2)
=> GSL::Vector::Col::View 
[ 3.000e+00 
  9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):020:0> m.col(2)[2] = 123
=> 123
irb(main):021:0> m
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 1.230e+02 ]
irb(main):022:0> m.diagonal
=> GSL::Vector::View: 
[ 1.000e+00 5.000e+00 1.230e+02 ]
Returns a vector view view of the k-th subdiagonal of the matrix self. The matrix is not required to be square. The diagonal of the matrix corresponds to k = 0.
Returns a vector view of the k-th superdiagonal of the matrix self. The matrix is not required to be square. The diagonal of the matrix corresponds to k = 0.

Creates a GSL::Vector object "flattening" the rows of the matrix self.

irb(main):002:0> m = Matrix[1..6, 2, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 ]
irb(main):003:0> m.to_v
=> GSL::Vector 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 ]

2.4 Iterators

Iterator for each of rows in the matrix self.
Iterator for each of columns in the matrix self.
GSL::Matrix#collect { |item| .. }

2.5 Copying matrices

Create a new matrix of the same elements.
GSL::Matrix.memcpy(dest, src)
GSL::Matrix.swap(dest, src)

2.6 Copying rows and columns

This method returns a new vector (not a view) which contains the elements of the i-th row of the matrix self.
This method returns a new vector (not a view) which contains the elements of the j-th column of the matrix self.
GSL::Matrix#set_row(i, v)
This method copies the elements of the vector v into the i-th row of the matrix. The length of the vector must be the same as the length of the row.
GSL::Matrix#set_col(j, v)
This method copies the elements of the vector v into the j-th column of the matrix. The length of the vector must be the same as the length of the column.

2.7 Exchanging rows and columns

GSL::Matrix#swap_rows!(i, j)
This method exchanges the i-th and j-th rows of the matrix in-place.
GSL::Matrix#swap_rows(i, j)
This method creates a new matrix exchanging the i-th and j-th rows of the matrix self.
GSL::Matrix#swap_columns!(i, j)
This method exchanges the i-th and j-th columns of the matrix in-place.
GSL::Matrix#swap_columns(i, j)
This method creates a new matrix exchanging the i-th and j-th columns of the matrix self.
GSL::Matrix#swap_rowcol(i, j)
This method exchanges the i-th row and j-th column of the matrix. The matrix must be square for this operation to be possible.
This method returns a matrix of a transpose of the matrix. The matrix self is not modified.
This method replaces the matrix by its transpose by copying the elements of the matrix in-place. The matrix must be square for this operation to be possible.


irb(main):018:0> m = Matrix::Int[1..9, 3, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[ 1 2 3 
  4 5 6 
  7 8 9 ]
irb(main):019:0> m.reverse_rows
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[ 7 8 9 
  4 5 6 
  1 2 3 ]


irb(main):018:0> m = Matrix::Int[1..9, 3, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 1 2 3 
  4 5 6 
  7 8 9 ]
irb(main):020:0> m.reverse_rows.reverse_columns
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[ 9 8 7 
  6 5 4 
  3 2 1 ]
GSL::Matrix#rot90(n = 1)

Return a copy of self with the elements rotated counterclockwise in 90-degree increments. The argument n is optional, and specifies how many 90-degree rotations are to be applied (the default value is 1). Negative values of n rotate the matrix in a clockwise direction.


irb(main):014:0> m = Matrix::Int[1..6, 2, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 1 2 3 
  4 5 6 ]
irb(main):015:0> m.rot90
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 3 6 
  2 5 
  1 4 ]
irb(main):016:0> m.rot90(2)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 6 5 4 
  3 2 1 ]
irb(main):017:0> m.rot90(3)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 4 1 
  5 2 
  6 3 ]
irb(main):018:0> m.rot90(-1)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int
[ 4 1 
  5 2 
  6 3 ]
This creates a matrix copying the upper half part of the matrix self, including the diagonal elements.

This creates a matrix copying the lower half part of the matrix self, including the diagonal elements.

irb(main):014:0> m = Matrix[1..9, 3, 3]
=> GSL::Matrix
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):015:0> m.upper
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 3.000e+00 
  0.000e+00 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  0.000e+00 0.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]
irb(main):016:0> m.lower
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 
  4.000e+00 5.000e+00 0.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 9.000e+00 ]

2.8 Matrix operations


This method adds the elements of matrix b to the elements of the matrix. The two matrices must have the same dimensions.

If b is a scalar, these methods add it to all the elements of the matrix self (equivalent to the method add_constant).

This method subtracts the elements of matrix b from the elements of the matrix. The two matrices must have the same dimensions.
This method multiplies the elements of the matrix by the elements of matrix b. The two matrices must have the same dimensions. If b is a scalar, the method scale (see below) is called.
This method divides the elements of the matrix by the elements of matrix b. The two matrices must have the same dimensions.
This method multiplies the elements of the matrix by the constant factor x.
This method adds the constant value x to the elements of the matrix.

Matrix multiplication.


irb(main):002:0> a = Matrix[1..4, 2, 2]
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 
  3.000e+00 4.000e+00 ]
irb(main):003:0> b = Matrix[5..8, 2, 2]
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 5.000e+00 6.000e+00 
  7.000e+00 8.000e+00 ]
irb(main):004:0> a*b
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.900e+01 2.200e+01 
  4.300e+01 5.000e+01 ]
irb(main):005:0> a*2
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 2.000e+00 4.000e+00 
  6.000e+00 8.000e+00 ]
irb(main):006:0> c = Vector[1, 2]
=> GSL::Vector 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00 ]
irb(main):007:0> a*c.col
=> GSL::Vector::Col 
[ 5.000e+00 
  1.100e+01 ]

If b is a scalar or a Matrix, this method calculates the element-by-element divisions. If a Vector::Col is given, this method solves the linear system by using LU decomposition.


irb(main):002:0> m = Matrix[1..4, 2, 2]
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 2.000e+00   
  3.000e+00 4.000e+00 ]
irb(main):003:0> m/3
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 3.333e-01 6.667e-01         <--- 1/3, 2/3
  1.000e+00 1.333e+00 ]       <--- 3/3, 4/3
irb(main):004:0> b = Vector[5, 6].col
=> GSL::Vector::Col 
[ 5.000e+00   
  6.000e+00 ]
irb(main):005:0> x = m/b          <--- Solve m (x,y) = b
=> GSL::Vector::Col 
[ -4.000e+00                  <--- x = -4
  4.500e+00 ]                 <--- y = 4.5 
irb(main):006:0> m*x
=> GSL::Vector::Col
[  5.000e+00 
   6.000e+00 ]
Computes matrix power of b.

2.9 Finding maximum and minimum elements of matrices

These methods return the max/min value in the matrix.
This method returns a two elements array [min, max], which contains the minimum and the maximum values in the matrix.
These methods return the index of the max/min value in the matrix.
This method returns a two elements array [imin, imax], which contains the indices of the minimum and the maximum value in the matrix.

2.10 Matrix properties

This returns 1 if all the elements of the matrix self are zero, and 0 otherwise.
This returns true if all the elements of the matrix self are zero, and false otherwise.
This returns trace of the matrix self, the sum of the diagonal elements.
Returns matrix norm, sqrt(sum_{ij} m_{ij}^2).

irb(main):004:0> m = Matrix::Int[-5..4, 3, 3] => GSL::Matrix::Int [ -5 -4 -3

-2 -1  0 
 1  2  3 ]

irb(main):005:0> m.abs => GSL::Matrix::Int [ 5 4 3

2 1 0 
1 2 3 ]
GSL::Matrix#equal?(other, eps = 1e-10)
GSL::Matrix#==(other, eps = 1e-10)
Returns true if the matrices have same size and elements equal to absolute accurary eps for all the indices, and false otherwise.

3 NArray

The Matrix object self is converted into an NMatrix object. The matrix data are copied to newly allocated memory.
Convert NArray object into GSL::Matrix.
A GSL::Matrix::View object is created from the NArray object na. The data of na are not copied, thus any modifications to the View object affect on the original NArray object na. The View object can be used as a reference to the NMatrix object.

4 Famous matrices

Returns the Hilbert matrix of order n. The ij element is defined as 1/(i+j+1).

Returns the inverse of a Hilbert matrix of order n.


irb(main):009:0> m = Matrix.hilbert(4)
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 5.000e-01 3.333e-01 2.500e-01 
  5.000e-01 3.333e-01 2.500e-01 2.000e-01 
  3.333e-01 2.500e-01 2.000e-01 1.667e-01 
  2.500e-01 2.000e-01 1.667e-01 1.429e-01 ]
irb(main):010:0> invm = Matrix.invhilbert(4)
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.600e+01 -1.200e+02 2.400e+02 -1.400e+02 
  -1.200e+02 1.200e+03 -2.700e+03 1.680e+03 
  2.400e+02 -2.700e+03 6.480e+03 -4.200e+03 
  -1.400e+02 1.680e+03 -4.200e+03 2.800e+03 ]
irb(main):011:0> invm2 = m.inv
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.600e+01 -1.200e+02 2.400e+02 -1.400e+02 
  -1.200e+02 1.200e+03 -2.700e+03 1.680e+03 
  2.400e+02 -2.700e+03 6.480e+03 -4.200e+03 
  -1.400e+02 1.680e+03 -4.200e+03 2.800e+03 ]
irb(main):012:0> m*invm
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 5.684e-14 -2.274e-13 1.137e-13 
  1.998e-15 1.000e+00 -4.663e-14 3.109e-14 
  3.664e-15 -7.239e-14 1.000e+00 -1.017e-13 
  -2.442e-15 1.510e-14 -8.038e-14 1.000e+00 ]
irb(main):013:0> m*invm2
=> GSL::Matrix 
[ 1.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 
  -1.554e-15 1.000e+00 -2.389e-14 8.349e-15 
  1.295e-15 3.405e-15 1.000e+00 -6.957e-15 
  1.110e-15 1.916e-14 1.707e-14 1.000e+00 ]

Returns the Pascal matrix of order n, created from Pascal's triangle.

irb(main):002:0> Matrix::Int.pascal(10)
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1 
      1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10 
      1     3     6    10    15    21    28    36    45    55 
      1     4    10    20    35    56    84   120   165   220 
      1     5    15    35    70   126   210   330   495   715 
      1     6    21    56   126   252   462   792  1287  2002 
      1     7    28    84   210   462   924  1716  3003  5005 
      1     8    36   120   330   792  1716  3432  6435 11440 
      1     9    45   165   495  1287  3003  6435 12870 24310 
      1    10    55   220   715  2002  5005 11440 24310 48620 ]

Creates a Vendermonde matrix from a vector or an array v.

irb(main):002:0> Matrix.vander([1, 2, 3, 4])
=> GSL::Matrix
[ 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
  8.000e+00 4.000e+00 2.000e+00 1.000e+00
  2.700e+01 9.000e+00 3.000e+00 1.000e+00
  6.400e+01 1.600e+01 4.000e+00 1.000e+00 ]

Creates a Toeplitz matrix from a vector or an array v.

irb(main):004:0> Matrix::Int.toeplitz([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[ 1 2 3 4 5 
  2 1 2 3 4 
  3 2 1 2 3 
  4 3 2 1 2 
  5 4 3 2 1 ]

Creates a circulant matrix from a vector or an array v.

irb(main):005:0> Matrix::Int.circulant([1, 2, 3, 4])
=> GSL::Matrix::Int 
[ 4 1 2 3 
  3 4 1 2 
  2 3 4 1 
  1 2 3 4 ]

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